Open Enrollment
It’s open enrollment for Medicare, a time when experts recommend you review your Medicare coverage to see if you need to make a change. Open enrollment runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, giving beneficiaries a window in which to review options, including...
Weekly Market Update
A second week with more good news! So, why another week setting at least a small positive trend? We’ve talked here about inflation and measures used to track it. It’s THE economic issue all of us are struggling with and certainly is on the...
What Is Taxable Income
Knowing how much of your income is taxable and how it’s going to be taxed is important because it’ll help you understand what you’ll owe on Tax Day (April 18 this year). So, how do you know what income is taxable and what isn’t? And how exactly do you...
Weekly Market Update
The first week of good news we can report since early September. And a welcome report it is!! The markets remain uncertain about the longer term for inflation, interest rates, and of course, the mid-terms right around the corner. Specific political views...
6 Common Retirement Planning Myths
Myth #1: I don’t need to revisit my withdrawal rate Historically, a general rule has been that a properly diversified portfolio could last 30 years with withdrawals of 4% or less and annual increases to match the rate of inflation. However, there isn’t a...
Weekly Market Update
More of the same! Last week the markets were not clear on where they were going to finish showing a few days of positive gains followed by more pullback. The market reacted negatively at the start of the week to poor inflation numbers that...
Year End Financial Checklist
Well, the leaves are beginning to change and that means the year is winding down and it’s time to give your end-of-year financial check list items with deadlines a close look. Start planning and get items checked off before deadlines hit. Below are a few things...
Weekly Market Update
Last week….we ended on a higher note than we had two weeks prior. Please note the chart above is missing a week as we ran into data download issues for the week ending September 30. The markets seemed to be a bit wishy washy when trying to...
6 Financial Planning Tips for New Parents
Raising a child is expensive. Here's how to set financial goals for your child's milestones while keeping your retirement savings on track. For most new parents, focusing on the big picture isn't easy. You're sleep-deprived, juggling naps and feeding...
Weekly Market Update
Unfortunately, more of the same downward trend! I would love to be able to bring everyone good news! However, the markets did not seem to have the same intentions. The markets continue to trend downwards after the announcement of the rate hike...