Vanishing Social Security?  Part 3

Vanishing Social Security? Part 3

It is true – the Social Security Trust Fund is vanishing.  There is no doubt that the core problem is an aging American society that outnumbers the workers necessary to support their future benefits.  However, many believe that the actual demise of Social Security is...
Common Cents

Common Cents

Last Week…   … was down amid a bounce back for Large Growth and Tech Stocks.     Many US Equities fell quite a bit Small Cap Value fell just under -4% Technology and Large Cap Growth, on the other hand, laughed at the other stocks picking up 3.2% and...
Vanishing Social Security?  Part 3

Vanishing Social Security? Part 2

Last week we gave you a brief history of Social Security’s beginnings in meeting the needs of those less fortunate.  As those needs continue today, it is vital that we understand the help that SS provides as assistance for basic needs, not as a sole means of income. ...
Common Cents

Common Cents

Last Week…   … was mixed and mashed     Many US Equities bounced back after previous week’s downturns Value was up just a smidge <1% all around Healthcare also seems to be doing better after gaining 1.63%   Foreign Equities saw a bit of action...
Vanishing Social Security?  Part 3

Vanishing Social Security?

Social Security is an important social insurance program.  We have all been hearing about its possible collapse and lack of funding for some time.  Without legislation to reform this system, it has been reported that Social Security, as we know it today, could be...