Speaking Topics


  • Company culture – How its changing and how to create an environment of growth
  • Hiring Tools
  • Learning Styles of your employees
  • The 4 Personalities
  • The Power of Affirmations
  • Full or Half Empty: How positive emotions help you thrive
  • Communication styles
  • Servant Leadership
  • True qualities of authentic leaders
  • Higher ground leadership: The spark
  • What is involved in a comprehensive financial plan?



  • How to plan for retirement
  • How to produce an inexhaustible income stream during retirement
  • Estate planning made simple
  • How to understand 401K plans and options
  • What is involved in a comprehensive financial plan?
  • How to teach children healthy attitudes about money
  • Defeating credit card debt
  • The psychological aspects of money and our money personalities
  • Money and Marriage
  • Family money meetings & legacy planning
  • The markets and the economy
  • 401k plans – The New Model
  • HSAs – Health Savings Accounts
  • Spirituality, religion and money