Last Week…
…was topsy turvey!

Breaking what’s been the normal pattern, nearly everything in US stocks were up – moving off some recent momentum.
- US Healthcare saw the most generous gain of 5.20% YTD!
- Technology lost 2.21% and seems to be taking a rest after pulling everything else out of the pit these past few weeks.
- US Large Cap Growth also lost some momentum falling 0.21%
Overall Value was up significantly more than Growth.
- US and Foreign REITS mirrored each other with US up 0.5% and Foreign down 0.5%
- Commodities were down just a little while Foreign stocks were up just a little in the range of 0.02% to just over 2.0%
Have a great weekend!
Indexes are listed in respective order to their reference above: DJ Industrial Average TR USD, S&P 500 TR, DJ US TSM Large Cap Growth TR USD, NASDAQ 100, Technology NTTR TR USD, DJ US Health Care TR USD, DJ US TSM Large Cap Value TR USD, DJ US TSM Mid Cap Growth TR USD, DJ US TSM Mid Cap Value TR USD, DJ US TSM Small Cap Growth TR USD, DJ US TSM Small Cap Value TR USD, FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITs TR, DJ Gbl Ex US Select REIT TR USD, Bloomberg Commodity TR USD, MSCI EAFE NR USD, MSCI EAFE Growth NR USD, MSCI EAFE Value NR USD, MSCI EAFE Small Cap NR USD, MSCI EM NR USD, BBgBarc US Corporate High Yield TR USD, FTSE WGBI NonUSD USD, JPM EMBI Plus TR USD, BBgBarc US Govt 1-3 Yr TR USD, ICE BoafAML 1-3Y US Corp TR USD, BBgBarc Intermediate Treasury TR USD, BBgBarc Interm Corp TR, BBgBarc US Treasury US TIPS TR USD. These materials have been prepared solely for informational purposes based upon data generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. All performance references are to benchmark indexes. Performance of specific funds will vary from respective benchmarks. Past performance is not an assurance of future results. Each index cited is provided to illustrate market trends for various asset classes. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Neither do Indexes reflect individual investor costs, e.g. trading, expense ratios & potential advisory fees.